Generation 1: Ivory

Welcome to Sims 3’s last chance.  It has been months since I have been able to run the game without crashing.

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Raspberry Rose Tart is back and pissed off.  We are doing a Sims 3 rainbowcy on the short lifespan.  We only have a couple of stuff packs, Generations, and Ambitions installed with some random cc for hair, makeup and some patterns only.

If she survives a generation without crashing, Sims 3 may live on.  So far she is one of only two sims to survive CAS.  Go us!

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With her $1800 in funds, she bought an easel, a tablet, and a treadmill.  Nothing but the absolute essentials….sigh.   She is left with $0.

Raspberry:  I need a man and fast or a career in music.

..and the game crashes.  I have no clue what to do now.

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Okay, and makeover done, items re-bought.  This time we saved.  Then we changed the border to match the black generation.



The following takes place all on Sunday, just with 30 different crashes.

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..and I think we are back.  She wants a quick painting skill point.

Raspberry:  Then man time.

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We crashed again and just started over.  This time, she chose Surrounded by Family and left off the treadmill to save some cash.

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Off to become a self-employed painter.

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The only eligible bachelor in town is at the park with his son.  So of course the first thing I do is give Sam Sekemoto hair because he is forever bald in my game.  Then we set our sights on his dad.

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And he sets his sights on Raspberry.

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Raspberry wastes no time!

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Then she chats him up until they can flirt.

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Then all of her thoughts are taken over by him.


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Same as before but we caught up with Leighton at the library.  I also have removed more stuff hoping to find what the issue is with my game (no conflicts were detected by delphy’s dashboard, but something is wrong).

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With all of my major mods removed, Blue’s auto romance mods come straight into play.  Leighton asked her to go steady, be his girlfriend, proposed and had her exchanging rings with ZERO input from me.

I forgot how amazing her stuff is when they are allowed to just do their thing.

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Leighton moves in with enough cash to build a house.



fuck you game.

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The inside is furnished in the generation color except for the nursery.  I haven’t figured out the rainbowcy colors yet.  My bad.

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Baby attempt is successful.


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She listens to kids music while watching kids tv.


game freezes.  You can hear sounds and can click around, but the game doesn’t move.  sigh

TS3 2021-07-20 09-43-09

Leighton:  Hey, did you hear we were fixed and life can now begin for real.
Raspberry:  Dammit, I was hoping to escape this hell.

That’s right people….for the first time in a year, my game ran for HOURS…just in a different save.  Ivory busted up Nick Alto’s marriage and gave him a set of twins and a set of quads.  She hates life.  I may post that shit up because it was a fun play yesterday…with no crashing at all.

///screw this game///

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We delete 90% of the mods left and poor Ivory has base game hair.

Ivory:  This sucks ass.

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How Ivory spent her start up money (including toilet and shower).

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Ivory:  So nice of you to drop by.
Nick:  I didn’t seem to have a choice in the matter.

Ivory flirted with him before he even said hi.  Hussy.

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Ivory: Blah blah blah…flirt!
Nick:  I can accept this flirt now that we are more closely acquainted.

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Ivory:  Man, I’m really hungry.
Then you better land that man.
Ivory:  He sure is an asshat though.

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Ivory:  And up there is where all dogs go to.
Nick:  *What an idjit*

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And Ivory finds herself in her new home…where there be food.

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Ivory starts reading some skill books to pass the time.  You can’t see it, but Vita and Holly moved onto her empty lot.

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Ivory:  I gotta get pop these kids out fast!

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The only glitch so far is her randomly getting out of the shower bare-assed.

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Nick has been working out and he got buff!

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Labor has commenced!  She needs five of these little things.

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Ivory looks a bit shell shocked and Nick looks down right unhappy.  But yay Twinsies!

First Generation is done.  Raspberry and Leighton took 3 games and about 25 crashes.  Ivory was one long ass play session (the youngest kids are almost YA) and 0 crashes.  Not sure what the difference was between the two games.

2 thoughts on “Generation 1: Ivory

    1. Actually, Ivory is not a Tart. I made her when Twallen came out with the assassination mod and she went around murdering the inhabitants of Barnacle Bay. Ahh, the good ol’ days.

      I swear, you’re probably correct and I might need to get a new family to torture.

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