Drone 2: Eggplant

Eggplant Zweets

Natural Cook, Good, Nurturing, Artistic, Athletic, and Lucky
Superstar Athlete (level 5 at move in)
Indie, Cookies, and Purple

He’s always in front of the tv, so he may have a hidden couch potato trait in there as well.

Cashew:  So, is it a good time to ask an important question?

Eggplant:  Sure, what did you want to ask?
Cashew:  Do you want to move in?
Eggplant:  Is the tv bigger?
Cashew:  Definitely.

Eggplant:  This is the life!

Eggplant:  Why did I hear so many jingles?  What is my purpose here?
Cashew:  I’m just doing genetic experiments and you’re my next victim volunteer.

Unicorn in the backyard!  Cashew ran out to greet her, of course.  I ❤️ unicorns!!!

Then she poofed.


Eggplant:  Experiment is underway!

x 2.

LTW Completed!

As a reward, Moodlet Manager!

Eggplant wanted to train someone.

And then build an igloo.

Cashew has three days off in a row (one for the winter holiday), so he reads skill books and listens to tabcasts.  We need more points!

I have no clue.  I think he was going to work out for six hours straight, but had to eat instead.

Eggplant:  This tv is too small.

Eggplant:  This is perfect, but I can’t watch the kids station.

It was sold and the next size down was bought.

Makeover time!  Skill room, pool table and some other junk was added.  A new stereo was bought and then a shitload of wall mounted stereos were added.  Kids music in all common rooms!!

I bought some stuff just because the backyard was boring.

I finally added the WA registers and set up some homeless to run them.  Too bad I forgot and never went back to find some gnomies.

We interrupt out six hour wish yet again!

About an hour or so later, Cashew was leaving work to join Eggplant when his labor pains started.

Eggplant:  I have a basket!!

Cashew:  I have a basket!
Eggplant:  My basket was better than yours.
Cashew:  How so?
Eggplant:  I have the only boy!

That’s right folks!  TWO sets of triplets!

They are immediately put in swings and one by one, Cashew and Eggplant cuddle each one until all their cuddle wishes were gone.

Eggplant can finally do his six hours of exercise without stopping.

Cashew:  I think we will need help with the kids.

Welcome B33P B00P to the household.

Cashew had to buy three trait bundles before the RoboNanny one showed up.  He then tried to upgrade her and it did not go well.  He was doing maintenance and then she turned on him and rammed an electric rod up his ass and electrocuted him.

RoboCheft is no bueno.

But she does make sure that the swings never stop.

Toddler time!

Buttermilk – Bookworm, Virtuoso

Brussel Sprout – Family-Oriented, Friendly

Brie – Insane, Hopeless Romantic

Blueberry (the only one to get Eggplant’s hair!) – Adventureous, Charismatic

Broccoli (the only boy!) – Sailor, Computer Whiz

Banana – Bookworm, Athletic

Wrangling toddlers is hard work.

It is a major perk to have made B33P B00P to help out.

Shift two and then all six were potty trained.

Break time for some fun before getting the next skill (talking) done.

I assigned them their napping spot and they had no traffic jams and all got to bed perfectly.

B33P B00P is still constantly cooking.  Perfect cookies anyone?

B33P B00P’s job in the morning is on a nice and easy schedule.  Wake up one with a diaper change and bottle.  When the next one is up, the first one goes potty and gets put on an activity.  Rinse and repeat.  Everyone is clean, fed, pottied, and playing in under two hours.

Lunch time is just a snack and a potty.

Then bedtime is a bottle, cuddle, chat, and bed.

Cashew is out on a date with Persimmon.  I vaguely recall that he was supposed to be Drone 1, but I forgot about him.  I think he got married or something.

Cashew:  Rain!  What are you even looking at?

Persimmon:  The invisible Magician that I keep tipping.


Persimmon:  Thanks for getting rid of her.  I was losing money fast!  Flowers?

Cashew randomly wanted to adopt a horse (from way back when Daisy visited), so here is Cinnamon.

First abduction.  I’m so glad that B33P B00P was here to take it like a woman.

Daisy is back!

I wanted a unicorn, so I cheated the hidden skill needed for her to join the family.

I put the toddler books in a locked room upstairs and forced them to ready in shifts.  I just needed a break.


Cinnamon wants to play with a ball, gain a jumping level, do a beginner race, and then win a beginner race.  Cashew will do that when the kids are gone.

Buttermilk got sidetracked on her way to splash in that puddle.

I can’t believe Eggplant actually used the witchy flying thing finally.


Bookworm, Virtuoso Ambitious
Rockabilly, Firecracker Shrimp, Black

Brussel Sprout

Family-Oriented, Friendly, Clumsy
Hip Hop, Hot Dogs, Purple


Insane, Hopeless Romantic, Athletic
Spooky, Vegetarian Fish and Chips, Blue


Adventurous, Charismatic, Eccentric
Soul, Mushroom, Omelette, Hot Pink


Sailor, Computer Whiz, Easily Impressed
Roots, Chili Con Carne, Purple


Athletic, Bookworm, Excitable
Pop, Mushroom Omelette, Purple

I couldn’t get a pic of them facing front without the camera going wonky, so have a side pic.

I went looking for Persimmon.  Apparently the new magician has the whole town in his thrall.

Cashew showed up to chat, but kept getting interrupted with people wanting his autograph.

He kept trying until I finally reset the whole damn lot and had Cashew head to his house.

In the meantime, B33P B00P, Eggplant and all the kids found themselves in a new home.

New Teens:


Adventurous, Can’t Stand Art, Good, Heavy Sleeper


Absent-Minded, Childish, Daredevil, Handy


Family-Oriented, Computer Whiz, Bookworm, Daredevil

Drone 2 Scoring

  1. Move out (+1 point per group): 1 point
  2. Toddler skills (+1 point per kid): 6
  3. Natural Triplets (2+ each set): 4
  4. No Going Steady (+5): 5
  5. Skills maxed KB (+5 each): 0
  6. Skill Challenges Completed (+1): 4
    1. Celebrity
    2. Personable
    3. Super Friendly
    4. Everybody’s Best Friend
  7. Friend level move out (+1 each): +6
    1. Banana
    2. Broccoli
    3. Blueberry
    4. Buttermilk
    5. Brie
    6. Brussel Sprout
  8. BFF status at death (+2 each):
    1. Banana
    2. Broccoli
    3. Blueberry
    4. Buttermilk
    5. Brie
    6. Brussel Sprout
  9. Careers completed (+10 each): 10
    1. Culinary
  10. Lifetime Wishes Completed (+10 each): 10
    1. Celebrated 5-Star Chef

Total Score: 41

77 pics, Update 2, 1088 words
Cummulative Count: 147 pics, Two updates, 1971 words.

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